TIRANA, August 7
The Ministry of Infrastructure has declared open the tender for giving with concession to public/private consortium the port of yachts near the Cape of Rodon. The form of the contract is B.O.T. (Build-Operation-Transfer), whereas the source of the funding is a private investment. The duration of the concession will be for 35 years. The offers should be submitted at the website of Public Procurement Agency: www.app.gov.al., before 6 September 2019, 14.00p.m.
The port is thought to be built along the southern coastline of Drin Bay, almost 7 km away from the Cape of Rodon. The port of yachts ‘Marina Rodon’ is predicted to be built in the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea, at the Rodon Bay, which is part of Drin Bay, being the biggest physiographic unit of Albanian coastline. Along the shoreline of this unit, which is almost 83 km long, it borders on the north with the Rt. Mendra Cape in Montenegro, and in the south with the Cape of Rodon, there are the river mouths of Drin, Mat, and Ishem, and as well the lagoons of Viluni, Kune-Vaini, and Patog.
The proposed position has a favorable depth for the accommodation of vessels diving up to 5.5. meters deep into the sea. The port is going to be built completely protected from the winds, and sea creating a perfect shield and applying the same standards and norms, of those applied in the ports of Europe. The chosen place requires the construction of the relevant infrastructure for the activity development, where it is included the connection with the road system with a length of 1.5 km, the power system, the water provider and sewerage.

The project of the port should include the basic operational infrastructure as below:
Permanent or temporary stay (seasonal, monthly, daily) of vessels at the port, with an observation service of 24 hours
Parking spots on the ground or covered places for vessels
Mechanical, electrical and carpenter services
Cranes for entering into the water or extraction on the ground, of the vessels which are heavy-weight
Relevant systems of anchorage, depending on the position and space
Security systems for the lives of people
Port security, in accordance with the criteria of ISPS Code and the law ‘For the security in the ships and ports’
Observation with CCTV cameras, of the dividing boundary, with the new port of fishing, in accordance with the criteria of the ISPS Code and the law ‘For the security in the ships and ports’
The systems and structures of the prevention of maritime pollution, including the technologic ships, sailing cord, absorbent, and the relevant personnel
To fulfill the requests of the ‘Green Code’ (Code for practical consultations regarding the environmental treatment of the shore)
To fulfill the requirements of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78)
To fulfill the specified conditions in the Maritime Code of the Republic of Albania and international conventions ratified from the Republic of Albania
The project of the port should include also the basic superstructure as below:
Reconstruction, paving, and leveling of the road
The lighting system of the terminal and the port
Administration system
Civil works
Relevant residencies
The offices will serve to the concessionary, and also those that will be available for the state authorities without any cost, for carrying out their functional activities, such as: customs, border police, captain, sanitary inspector, etc.
Service station
The procedure documents for the tender:
DPK Porti i Jahteve Marina Rodon
The contract of the tender:
Source/Scan.tv, Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy
Photo Credit/ Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy
Read also: Tourist Vessels to Abide by Strict Rules after Ship Incident
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