TIRANA, July 2
Part of the project ‘100 Villages’, Katundi i Vjeter (which literally means old village in Albanian), in Rubik, northern Albania is drawing attention every day from local and foreign tourists, thanks to its landscape, but also the Franciscan Monastery, climbing, and hiking, culinary tourism, etc.
To raise the standards of agro-tourism and develop the economy in the village, the project ‘100 Villages’ is supporting the investments of local residents in the construction of inns, which offer more than culinary tourism, but also for those who prefer nature and recreation.

Surrounded by virgin streams, between the forests and the water fountains, the new inn that is built here is part of the eco-system of the Mirdita municipality where the village Katundi i Vjeter is situated. The Agency for the Agricultural and Rural Development (AARD) has supported this investment in agro-tourism with a value of €425.000 (5.2 million Leke).
Through the support of AARD, it is aimed at the economic development of rural areas, evidence, and local-oriented promotion thanks to the exploitation of the resources, investment promotion, and increase in employment. This means a rise in the income, consume and the development of other businesses that contribute to the increase of the income from taxes, that come back to the rural zones in the form of new public investments.
Thus the government’s project ‘100 villages’ aims at the rebirth of the 100 chosen villages throughout Albania, where Katundi i Vjeter is part of. The new results have been seen already, where only the Mirdita municipality welcomed 65.000 visitors in the tourist season of 2018, whereas are expected to be built more inns in the future.
Source/ A.T.SH.
Photo Credit/ Katundi i Vjeter, Rubik FB
Read also: Mirdita, the Place of Amazing Natural and Cultural Attractions
What Are the ‘100 Villages’ Part of the Rural Development Program
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