Gramsh city is a small city located in the center of Albania, not much known for its tourism attractions. One of the most stunning landscapes in this district is the Sotira Waterfall. Sotira waterfall …
Beach of Durres, One of the Most Crowded Beaches in the World website has listed the public beach of Durres coastal city as one of the most crowded beaches in the world. “The Beach of Durres is the biggest and among the most visited public beaches …
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Minister of Economy presents new draft law for tourism
On May 6th, the Minister of Economic Development, Trade, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Arben Ahmetaj presented a new draft law on tourism, which aims to increase the number of tourists and investments …
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20 places that will change your mind about Albania
Written by Armela Bega Colorful landscapes, lakes, high mountains, rivers and valleys. Natural beauties that blend in cultural and historical heritage, inherited from our forefathers. All blended in …
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Visit the attractive remote village of Upper Curraj
As the country is preparing for the official opening of the tourism summer season in coastal cities, the opportunities for tourism in Albania are endless. Apart from enjoying the beauty of the …
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Albania presents its touristic potential in COTTM 2015 international tourism fair in Beijing
Albania participated in COTTM 2015 international tourism fair, organized in Beijing on April 14th-16th. Our country was represented by the National Tourism Agency, four tour-operators and successful …
Albania’s Butrint Park, one of the top ten national parks in Europe – The Guardian
The National Park of Butrint has been included in the list of “Top 10 national parks in Europe: readers' travel tips” by The Guardian. The article lists known national parks in several countries in …
New measures to increase fair competition and quality of businesses in touristic areas
Due to strong measures announced by the Albanian government for businesses which operate in touristic areas, all subjects that do not meet the set criteria during their activity, will be fined with 50 …
Government to establish the State Inspectorate of Tourism
The new law on tourism, which will eventually replace the previous law on tourism that entered in force on 2007, foresees the establishment of the State Inspectorate of Tourism, as proposed by the …
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Why L’Express ranks Albania the 3rd among 15 top touristic destinations for 2015
L’Espress French weekly magazine has ranked Albania the third in the list of top 15 unique touristic destinations in the world for this year, considering it as “the new pearl of Balkan”. Time has come …