TIRANA, October 2
Farmers and agribusinesses based in Albania can submit an application for funding under IPARD II between October 30th and January 15th. The forecast notice highlights that any application submitted after December 16th will be rejected. The indicative overall available budget consists of €57.68 million.
The Agency for Agricultural and Rural Development (AZHBR) and the Managing Authority within the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development announced the details on the second call for applications.
The call is open for all the citizens, natural and legal persons, of Albania that operate their activity in the sector of agriculture and rural development in Albania. The applicant must focus on a specific Measure (1, 3, 7) to apply.
Measure 1
“Investments in physical assets of agricultural holdings” with special focus on the
following sectors:
Aid Intensity under Measure 1
A total budget of €24.05 million
Under Measure 1 the total eligible expenditures for which assistance may be requested must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
minimum amount of total eligible expenditures: Euro10,000;
maximum amount of total eligible expenditures: Euro 500,000.
Measure 3:
“Investments in Processing and Marketing of agriculture products” with special focus on the following sectors:
Milk and dairy processing
Meat processing
Fruit and vegetable processing
Aid intensity under Measure 3
Total budget of €22.75 million
Under Measure 3 the total eligible expenditures for which a grant may be requested must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
minimum amount of total eligible expenditures: Euro 25,000
maximum amount of total eligible expenditures: Euro 2.000,000
Measure 7:
“Farm diversification and Business Development” with special focus on the following sectors:
This program is Co-funded by the European Union
Production of MAPs, mushrooms, honey, ornamental plants, and snails;
Processing and marketing of wild or cultivated MAPs, mushrooms and honey;
On-farm processing and direct marketing of agricultural products;
Nature and rural tourism;
Services for rural business and population;
Handcrafts and manufacturing industry;
Renewable energy production and use.
Aid intensity under Measure 7
Total budget of €10.87 million
Under Measure 7 the total eligible expenditures for which a grant may be requested must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
minimum amount: Euro 10,000
maximum amount: Euro 400,000
All interested parties can receive the necessary information concerning types of eligible investments, eligibility of the applicants, criteria for selection and instructions for submitting an applications, in the Guideline for Applicants (see below), which can be requested as a free sample hardcopy in the main offices of Managing Authority within the Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development
(MARD) and Agriculture and Rural Development Agency (ARDA), during working hours 08:00-16:30h.
Contact details for further inquiries:
Tel: 0800 83 83
Email: [email protected]
Source: azhbr.gov.al
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