TIRANA, February 28
Albania ranks third in the lists of the European countries with the youngest population in 2021. Based on the data unveiled on Monday by Eurostat, the median age of Albania’s population in January 2021 was 37.6 years. However, the data also confirm that Albania’s population is aging at a fast pace. The median age increased by 5.0 years compared to 2011, when it was 32.6 years. This is the highest rate compared to all the other countries. The high rate of immigration among young people, the increased life expectancy, and declining birth rates are the main reasons affecting the age of Albania’s population.
The top three countries with the youngest population in Europe for 2021 were Turkey, with 32.8 years, Iceland, 36.7 years, and Albania. However, the list for 2021 does not include data about Kosovo, which is considered to have the youngest population in Europe (30.5 years in 2020). In the region, Serbia has the highest median age at 44.0 years, while North Macedonia and Montenegro are close to 40 years.
Across the European Union member countries, Cyprus had the lowest median age at 38.0 years, followed by Ireland with 38. Years, and Luxembourg with 39. Years.
In the meantime, Italy had the highest median age at 47.6 years followed by Germany with 45.9 years, and Portugal with 45.8 years. The median age of the European Union population in 2021 was 44.1 years.
Source: Eurostat
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