Albanian Minister of Economic Development, Trade, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Arben Ahmetaj attended on Tuesday a high level conference organized by the World Bank and the Internatioanal Monetary …
Israeli agricultural experts to help Albania in cooperatives
Albanian Council of Agribusiness held a meeting with Israeli Embassy to Albania representatives which discussed about increasing the cooperation between the two countries in the agribusiness and …
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The 4.2 ml euro agreement reached with AAD, discussed at the Economy Commission
Albania and Austrian Agency for Development signed an agreement on December 12 of 2014, for the improvement of water supply and sewerage system in country. This agreement was discussed at the Economy …
Albania’s touristic potential presented at Euronews
Promoting a country in the international market is very expensive and requires a lot of work, but smart promoting is the key. During the last years, Albania has increased its appearance in regional …
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Albania will use the World Bank as a warrantor to receive new loan
The Albanian government will use another manner in lending to private institutions and banks in the international markets, by using the World Bank as a warrantor. The use of the World Bank as a …
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Interview with the owner of 701 LoungeBar, the newest Italian bar in Tirana
701 LoungeBar is the newest Italian lounge bar and restaurant opened in Tirana capital and situated in the heart of Bllok area. It is a very cozy and small restaurant where you can drink a glass of …
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Norwegian Embassy to Kosovo to fund the reconstruction of irrigation canals in Shishtavec
The Norwegian Embassy to Kosovo will fund the irrigation system in Kukes County (Shishtavec village) in order to avoid problems for Kukesi farmers and to increase potatoes production. The project was …
19 years old Albanian illegal migrant awarded with Gold Medal at French Senate
The 19 years old Albanian boy Armando Curri, illegal migrant in France, has been put in the center of French news sites for being awarded as one of the best apprentices in France based on his school …
Albania and Kuwait to extend cooperation in agricultural sector
The potential Albania presents in the agricultural sector has caught the attention of the Kuwait ambassador to Albania Najeeb Abdulrahman Al-Bader, as he declared in a meeting with the Albanian …
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Embassy of Netherlands attends conference on the Corporation Social Responsibility
Embassy of Netherlands in Albania organized on March 4th a conference for the purpose to inform the private and public sectors, the civic society member and organizations which operate in country for …